New life in the Land of Chocolate. Un sottotitolo un po' ironico per un sito (blog) nuovo di zecca pronto a raccontare qualcosa della mia nuova avventura in der Zentralschweiz.

Lascio ai posteri internauti il mio precedente blog così com'è. Senza aggiungere alcunchè.

Requiescat in pacem

Anche perchè nell'ultimo periodo aveva(o) l'encefalogramma piatto.


New life in the Land of Chocolate. An ironic subtitle describing a new site (prevalently blog) ready to describe and tell something concerning my new adventure in der Zentralschweiz.

I leave my previous blog to the future web-internauts as it is. No more posts will be added.

Requiescat in pacem

Especially because during the last period it(I) had flat encephalogram

martedì 15 novembre 2011

Probation period - mission accomplished.

Today is a good day for me: with 15 days of advance, my probation period in Pilatus is finished.
Honestly I didn't mind that could be stopped in a different way, and I never thought that my experience, my skill and my behaviour could be useless at Pilatus.
However, it is better to have a little bit of pessimism than to be fired without expectation.

Anyway, what I have done today is a review between me and my manager. We spoke about all the stuff relating to the department, the work position (if the job is how expected), the colleagues and so on. Then the manager told me what he thinks about me, my behaviour and my way to work. At last, he formally congratulated with me for the permanent position reached.

Simple and effective. In my past experience in Italy I had not a moment so formal (but so relaxed) like that. my last day of the probation period was the same of the previous one and of the next as well: I was working at the Customer as a skilled engineer.

So, tonight I have to celebrate: Hot chicken wings and beer!

5 commenti:

  1. Well done sweetheart! :-)

  2. Complimenti,mi fa veramente piacere!
    Devo ammettere che sono riuscita a tradurre circa meta' post soltanto,per i prossimi mi attrezzero' con un buon vocabolario!
    P.S. è un buon esercizio per il mio "inglese"!

  3. congratulations!!!!! DAM

  4. nunc est bibendum, by andrea
