New life in the Land of Chocolate. Un sottotitolo un po' ironico per un sito (blog) nuovo di zecca pronto a raccontare qualcosa della mia nuova avventura in der Zentralschweiz.

Lascio ai posteri internauti il mio precedente blog così com'è. Senza aggiungere alcunchè.

Requiescat in pacem

Anche perchè nell'ultimo periodo aveva(o) l'encefalogramma piatto.


New life in the Land of Chocolate. An ironic subtitle describing a new site (prevalently blog) ready to describe and tell something concerning my new adventure in der Zentralschweiz.

I leave my previous blog to the future web-internauts as it is. No more posts will be added.

Requiescat in pacem

Especially because during the last period it(I) had flat encephalogram

lunedì 26 settembre 2011

Oh my God, oh my God!

Today is the day after the 25th.

A great day in the Land of Chocolate. Especially because Pilatus pays his employers. This 26th, I have received my first Swiss salary and I astonished. Finally I felt my job recognized and paid as it should be.

As I written in my previous post, my past italian life made me feel very underestimated and frustrated. Now I can adfirm that the basis for a good partnership between the employer and the employes are solid.

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